And people stayed at home
And read books and listened
And rested and did exercises
And made art and played
And new ways of being
And then they stopped.
And listened deeper
Someone meditated
Someone was praying
Someone was dancing
Someone met their own shadow
And people started thinking differently.
And people healed.
And in the absence of people who lived
In ignorant ways
Senseless and heartless,
The earth also began to heal.
Nach einem Gedicht von Grace Ramsay [Kathleen O’Meara, 1839–1888]
Kathleen O’Meara, Künstlername Grace Ramsay (1839 – 10 November 1888) war eine irisch-französische Autorin, in der späten victorianischen Zeit. Das Gedicht stammt aus “Izas Story”, die den Konflikt zwischen polnischen Patrioten und der russischen Besatzung schildert. Die Kämpfer gingen in Isolation im Untergrund und erlebten eine Art “Corona-Zeit”.